Morphic Renaissance
transformation of deeply-rooted prenatal energy blockages, recurrent negative behavioural patterns, inherited defects, traumas

amazinGRACE® combined with morphic renaissance (previously named metamorphosis) is a truly wonderful method to gently transform deep-seated prenatal energy blockages, recurrent negative behavioral patterns, inherited defects, and traumas that arise between the time of conception and birth, and to resolve them with the help of the body's inner intelligence and self-healing powers of the client.
During these healing sessions, the amazinGRACE® Master-Healer works for the entire time in the prenatal time lapse in which all our attributes and patterns have been solidified for the first time.
Treated can be infants, children, and adults (also pregnant women).
Natur & Heilen magazine, Germany (12/2018):
"Morphic Renaissance treatments can be applied as early as possible in infants. Founder Robert Saint John discovered certain areas of the foot that are related to the prenatal imprinting of energy patterns of our being, such as developmental delays. Saint John also treated autistic children and adults as well as children with down syndrome, and it was amazing what kind of improvement in their development showed. He found out that all limits of consciousness are reflected on the reflexiology lines of the spine on the feet, hands and head. Through the gentle touch of certain energy points, experiences stored in the body from conception to birth are revived and eventually transformed."
Tel: +49 152 0499 4709
Package of 4 sessions: 600,00 € | Duration: 90 Min. each
Cancellation Policy: For cancellations, please notify me at least 24 hours prior to your requested healing session in order to avoid being charged.
I practice spiritual and energy healing on adults, children, babies, animals and nature. I do not give diagnosis or make therapy suggestions.
I do not promise healing will occur. A healing session does not replace a doctor's visit or treatment with members of conventional medicine.
Healing sessions take place in Berlin, Germany | Waldbronn, Germany | Panama City, Panama
The texts published here reflect only the personal opinion and experience of the author. Texts: All rights reserved by Melanie Endres. Trademarks of healing methods: San Esprit GmbH & Co. KG, Großbergham 16, 83119 Obing.
Images: All rights reserved by Melanie Endres. Individual images used from Free Wix Collections